Lots of People Want to See You Fail

Navigating Misguided Competition and Fostering True Community Building.

In the vast landscape of human ambition and creativity, the journey to success can sometimes feel like a solitary endeavor. As individuals strive to achieve their goals, the external pressure to outshine others can breed a culture of misguided competition. In this blog post, we delve into this phenomenon and explore how this mindset hinders genuine community building.

The Illusion of Success at the Expense of Others

2023 was a particularly hard year for Cambium and many of the creative businesses and organizations that we do regular business with also experienced very low years. Low customer counts and extreme increases in the cost of art materials makes for real low profit margin and more importantly low moral. Art based businesses are personal and sometimes that makes the lows feel even lower. However one of the biggest lessons I learned in 2023 was that sometimes people just want to see you fail. No matter what you do for the community around you or what kind of space you create your success will simply upset others.

In a world that often glorifies individual achievement, the pursuit of success can morph into a race where the finish line is obscured by the shadows of others. Misguided competition arises when individuals believe that their triumphs are only meaningful if they come at the expense of someone else's failure. This perspective not only fosters a toxic environment but also undermines the potential for true collaboration and community support. Two values that Cambium prioritizes.

At the heart of misguided competition lies a fear of true community building. When success is measured solely in terms of surpassing others, the idea of collaborating, sharing resources, and uplifting fellow creators becomes overshadowed. The fear that someone else's success diminishes our own success perpetuates a divisive mindset that obstructs the path to a thriving and interconnected community. This fear serves no other purpose than to leave you stranded alone when its hard.

It's essential to challenge the notion that success is a finite resource. In reality, true community building thrives on collaboration, mutual support, and the celebration of diverse achievements. Embracing a mindset that values the success of one as a victory for all opens the door to a more inclusive and resilient creative community. It lifts all of those associated and most importantly fosters a community with more diverse voices. As a business owner I have always believed that my success is intimately connected to the success of those around me. For me, that means lifting up those around in an attempt to lift all of us.

As individuals navigating the creative landscape, it's crucial to recognize and resist external pressures that fuel misguided competition. The fear of failure often stems from societal expectations, comparison, and a skewed definition of success. By focusing on personal growth, authentic expression, and collaborative endeavors, we can break free from the chains of competition allowing us to open doors not only for our selves but others as well. However genuine community building requires a shift in perspective – from seeing others as competitors to viewing them as collaborators and allies. By actively supporting fellow creators, sharing resources, and celebrating the successes of the community as a whole, we contribute to the establishment of an ecosystem where everyone can thrive.

The journey to success is not a solo expedition but a collective adventure. By dismantling the illusion of misguided competition and embracing the principles of true community building, we pave the way for a more inclusive and supportive creative landscape. Remember, lots of people may want to see you fail, but the strength of a united community lies in proving them wrong together.


Urban Jewel - Leah Kohlenberg